
Sustainability is fundamental to our success and reputation as a Partner of Choice at MAI Global Commodity. We are committed to conducting our business in a way that safeguards our employees, protects the environment, benefits neighboring communities, and strengthens the local economy. We take particular pride in our safety record, which is exemplary not only in the oil and gas and chemicals industries, but compared to any industry sector.

MAI’s success is built on technical expertise, business acumen, strong partnerships and our proven ability to deliver lasting results. We are the leader in applying advanced technology to boost production from mature oil and natural gas fields, Mining of Solid Minerals and agricultural processing.

Sustainability Integration

The company continues to evaluate ways to integrate Sustainability throughout the operation. To this end it has recently instituted a Board-level Sustainability and Shareholder Engagement Committee to provide oversight and leadership on environmental, social, governance and sustainability matters, including climate-related risks and opportunities.

We have also begun the process of conducting an assessment of key sustainability issues for internal and external stakeholders, in order to inform our sustainability approach and programs, as well as to improve transparency and report on the issues that matter most to our stakeholders